
Boron Nitride for Metal and Polymer Forming

When forming stainless steels, superalloys, or high-performance polymers, the material can adhere to or even damage the tool, causing parts to detach. These actions result in defects in the pieces, worsening with each manufactured part. To solve these problems, resources are needed, making the operation less effective and efficient. Boron Nitride coatings in both liquid and powder formats are the ideal solution to prevent problems that arise in demanding situations. Additionally, using boron nitride coatings for metal and polymer forming drastically reduces the amount of product required compared to traditional lubricants and mould release agents, which may not perform their function.

Boron Nitride Coatings for Metal Forming

Boron Nitride coatings in water-based, ethanol-based, or powder form are effective mould release agents and lubricants for metal forming processes, such as extrusion, rolling, and stamping.

When used as high-temperature lubricants, the special properties of boron nitride ensure that  HeBoCoat® and HeBoFill® products prevent carburisation, overloads that cause equipment shutdowns, contamination, and are also effective in preventing surface build-up. HeBoCoat® and HeBoFill® are non-toxic and environmentally safe.

Unlike soot and graphite, boron nitride powder is electrically insulating and can be electrostatically charged and effectively applied to a wide variety of surfaces. Boron nitride powders such as HeBoFill® can also be used as solid lubricant additives for oils and greases.

Boron nitride mould release agents and lubricants are widely used in metal forming and moulding applications. Large surfaces can be effectively coated by spraying, brush painting, or immersion. Small areas can be coated using a spray.

Boron Nitride Coatings for High-Performance Polymer Forming

Boron Nitride coatings in water-based, ethanol-based, or powder form are effective mould release agents and lubricants for plastic forming processes, such as SMC (Sheet Moulding Compound) thermoforming.

When used as lubricants and mould release agents, the special properties of boron nitride ensure that HeBoCoat® and HeBoFill® products prevent the adhesion of high-performance polymers to tools and moulds. This facilitates their extraction and prevents production stops and tool damage. HeBoCoat® and HeBoFill® are non-toxic and environmentally safe.

Unlike other traditional lubricants and mould release agents, boron nitride powder is electrically insulating and can be electrostatically charged and effectively applied to a wide variety of surfaces. Boron nitride powders like HeBoFill® can also be used as solid lubricant additives for oils and greases.

Boron nitride mould release agents and lubricants are widely used in metal forming and moulding applications. They are also starting to be used in the forming and moulding of high-performance polymers. Large surfaces can be effectively coated by spraying, brush painting, or immersion. Small areas can be coated using a spray.

Boron Nitride coatings are effective in both traditional and modern metal forming processes. Superplastic metal forming uses the phenomenon of superplasticity to create precisely shaped components at very low strain rates. Its application is focused on such rigorous sectors as aeronautics and automotive. Boron Nitride coatings are water-based, high temperature resistant and offer the optimum compromise between good adhesion to the substrate and a lubricating and demoulding effect for such specific processes as superplastic forming.

HeBoFill - Nitruro de Boro en polvo


HeBoFill® is the range of Boron Nitride additives for various applications.


HeBoCoat® is the range of Boron Nitride coatings.


Nitruro de Boro en Spray HeBoCoat Spray Line Boron Nitride

HeBoCoat® Spray Line

HeBoCoat® SPRAY LINE is the range of aerosol-based Boron Nitride coatings. 

Barras de cera HeBoCoat Wax Stick

HeBoCoat® Wax Stick

HeBoCoat® Wax Stick is a wax lubricant stick that contains fine and highly crystalline hexagonal Boron Nitride particles.


HeBoCoat®Boron Nitride Coatings in Forming

Boron Nitride coatings, in water-based and ethanol-based formats, address the specific needs of each customer.

For each application in metallurgy, the coating must provide specific performance characteristics. Therefore, there are three lines of coatings with different properties:

    • HeBoCoat® Power Line: This is the most extensive range, with products in ethanol-based and water-based formats. It is designed for environments or situations that require anti-adhesive and lubricating properties.

    • HeBoCoat® Expert Line: A specialised range of coatings designed for the most demanding applications. It is water-based and used when a higher level of performance is required.

    • HeBoCoat® Spray Line: Boron Nitride spray/aerosol coating that is excellent for its simple and direct application. It allows for the rapid application of anti-adhesive and lubricating films without the need for additional equipment.

HeBoFill®Boron Nitride Powder for Forming

Boron Nitride powder can be added to various base substrates to facilitate lubrication.

Given the wide range of situations and processes in which Boron Nitride powder – HeBoFill® can be applied, there are three product lines within the range:

    • HeBoFill® Basic Line: An all-purpose line of Boron Nitride powder. It ensures easy implementation in production, providing good thermal and anti-adhesive properties.

    • HeBoFill® Lub Line: Enhances lubrication due to its crystalline structure. Ideal for use in lubricants or greases.

    • HeBoFill® Cool Line: The choice if you want to improve the thermal conductivity of the base material without altering its electrical insulation properties. Especially suitable for sectors such as electric vehicles and electronics due to their increasing thermal management needs.

Explore other applications of Boron Nitride.

Materially Hub is the exclusive distributor for Henze BNP‘s Boron Nitride product range in Spain and Portugal.